Primary Programs
Check out our work with children ages 6 to 11!
Since the inception of Support! in 2014, Support!’s educational programmes have now expanded to 8 different locations across Hong Kong.
English through STEAM is Support!’s flagship programme for the educational programmes at Support!. STEAM -abbreviated as Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math, is a consolidation of all fundamental skills to create a holistic English learning programme for our beneficiaries.
Although all educational programmes follow the flagship programme, Youth Directors have some degree of flexibility in designing the course. With our secondary programmes, Youth Directors can choose 3 topics to teach out of 5, those being:
Debate and Public Speaking
Film and Media
Secondary sites follow a 3 semester structure, where students and topics rotate per semester. Our secondary sites at Support! are with collaboration with Tak Oi Secondary School, Aberdeen Technical School, Man Kiu College, and Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College. These sites are taught by students at Diocesan Boys’ School, Island School, and South Island School respectively.
On the other hand, our primary programmes follow a stricter structure of rotating through 3 mandatory topics, with those being:
This was implemented to ensure primary students gain as much exposure as possible to a diverse array of topics and learning styles to have a deep and holistic understanding of the materials taught. Our goal for primary students is to obtain the skills to apply their learnings in their regular classes, promoting them to be inquirers with critical thinking skills; ultimately preparing them for secondary school.
Support!’s main partner is with Boys and Girls’ Club Association Hong Kong, where 3 sites are held at Chinese International School (CIS), Australian International School (AISHK), and Renaissance College Hong Kong (RCHK). Our collaboration with The Little Flower’s Catholic Primary School includes student teachers from Sha Tin College (STC).